About Cygnus

Cygnus is loosely based off a real goldilocks planet, known as Kepler 22b. Although knowledge about Cygnus isn't that important to understanding Sascha, some facts might be interesting!

Quick facts!

Want to know your age on Cygnus?

It's easy if you follow these simple steps... and have a calculator on hand!

First we need to figure out your age in days! So take your age in years and multiply it by 365, I'll use Sascha as an example!

Sascha is 16 Earth years old so the equation will look like this (16 x 365=5,840).

Now we will divide his age in days (5,840) by 290, which is how many days there are in a Cygnian year. The equation will look like (5,840 ÷ 290 = 20.137~) but since we're rounding that means Sascha is 20 Cygnian years old!

Now it's your turn!

(your age) x 365 ÷ 290 = ?

How old are you?


Similar to plants, Cygnians require ample sunlight to thrive and are able to derive energy from whichever star is closest to them. Like a solar panel, Cygnians absorb sunlight and are able to store that energy within their bodies! This energy is used to extert heat and regulate their own body temperatures, and they can even create blasts of energy like projectiles. The brighter the sun the more powerful the heliokinesis will be, but in contrast Cygnians are extremely susceptible to cold weather. On Cygnus most days are hot and sunny and a Cygnian would have no issues having enough energy leftover to keep them warm and happy after nightfall, but during extended periods of poor weather or when venturing to planets with different climates it is important that Cygnians are mindful and conserve their energy. A Cygnian who is low on energy or kept out of the sun for too long will become sluggish, irritiable, and be unable to use their

Did you know?
  • As a form of affection, Cygnians will share heat with each other through holding hands or hugging.
  • If a Cygnian is kept away from sunlight for an extended period of time they may enter a dormant, hibernation-like, state!
  • The use of energy projectiles is often incorporated into Cygnian sports and children's games!

For most Cygnians, telekinesis is as intuitive as using their hands and the skill can be improved through practice, though some Cygnians are naturally more adept than others. However, there are limits to their abilities, no single Cygnian is going to able to lift an entire bulding with their mind (that would be huge team effort!!) and gross motor skills are easier to preform with telekinesis than fine motorskills. For example; lifting, tossing, or pushing a ball requires little thought but using telekinesis to unscrew a screw with a screwdriver is much more complicated and often times a Cygnian would just opt to use their hands. Additionally, preforming multiple tasks with telekinesis is difficult (think about trying to pat your head and rub your belly at the same time), trying to unscrew a screw, pour a glass of water, and _ all at the same time without the proper conditioning will lead to fatigue very quickly.

Did you know?
  • A Cygnian without limbs can lead a relatively normal life due to the versatility of telekinesis!
  • It is considered rude to use your telekinesis to manipulate another person's body without their permission!
  • In rare cases where a Cygnian is born without, or loses the ability to use telekinesis there are surgeries and assistive devices to help restore functionality.

Flight is an ability that used to be considered an extension of telekinesis but advances in science lead to the discovery that the two abilities actually reside in different regions of the brain. Most Cygnian babies are able to float before they learn to walk and start developing directional flight in the toddler stage, and by adolescence, flight becomes second nature.

Did you know?
  • Since flight and telekinesis are separate abilities, a Cygnian could use telekinesis to lift themself and achieve "flight". I don't know why they would though...
  • Cygnian archetucture is often designed with flight in mind so it is common to see multiple story buildings without stairs! Recently there have been pushes to make buildings more accessable for visitors who cannot fly.

Other Cygnians

Sascha, of course, is not the only Cygnian and not all Cygnians look like him. Here are some of the other kids from Sascha's class displaying an array of the different colors and features a Cygnian can have. (click the image to see at full quality)

Cygnians do not have body or facial hair (that includes eyebrows and eyelashes!) and the hair on their heads is extremely thick and coarse, almost like boar whiskers. Cygnians can have green, yellow, blue, or purple scleras but their iris's will always be white. Skintone can range from orange to yellow to green and can have green, blue, or purple hair with blue hair being the most common. Most Cygnians will have some kind of markings on their face, amrs, and legs but it is possible for a Cygnian to only have markings on the face or no markings at all.

Did you know?
  • The rarest color combo for a Cygnain is monochromatic where their hair, skin, eyes, and markings (if they have any) are all green!