Roy Chauvet
Age: 27 (at the time the story begins)
Species: Human
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'9"
Roy is Desmodus Draculae's lead singer and rhythm guitarist. Or at least he was, when his pregnant girlfriend is bitten by a vampire and turned into a member of the undead, Roy has to leave the band behind in order to raise his dhampir son, Desmond.
Early Life
As a teen, Roy was rather quiet and introspective, having a natural inclination towards music from a young age, he taight himself how to play guitar and knew that he wanted to play professionally one day. Generally Girls thought of him as a sensitive and artistic type while boys his age viewed him as a sissy, though Roy was often caught up in his own passions and ideas of grandure to really have any strong connections throughout high school. This made his decision to leave his hometown behind incredibly easy after his father kicked him out shortly after his 18th birthday. The spite Roy felt for his father and all the other adults in his life that tried to shatter his dream only emboldened him further and he vowed that he would become a successful musician to prove them all wrong. Roy spent the rest of his teens and the majority of his 20s living out of his car or surfing couches as he made his journey from the midwest to L.A. (the only place he believed could make his dream a reality), taking on whatever jobs he could get along the way to keep himself afloat and honing his guitar playing skills. Although he learned a lot during this time and met a lot of interesting and helpful people, he does not look back on his time as a transient particularly fondly and he often wonders where he would be if he had had a father who supported him instead of leaving him to struggle.
Desmodus Draculae
After reaching L.A. Roy spent some time getting to know the scene and searching for a band. Roy did his best to make connections, mainly by busking or attending house shows to meet other musicians in the area. Through these means he was able to occassionally land a few gig's with some local bands by playing guitar when one of their member's were out. On one lucky occassion he was covering for a band's guitaristand backing vocalist at a DIY show and caught the attention of Styx, Desmodus Draculae's bassis. Although his guitar playing was impressive she saw more potential in his vocal ability and approached him asking if he wanted to try out for their band. Roy hit it off with the band instantly and quickly became their new lead singer and rhythm guitarist. Roy had never thought of himself as a singer but with encouragement from the other band members he quickly realized that he enjoys the theatrics of performing and that he loved the spotlight. With Roy's inclusion into the band DD started garnering a cult fanbase and it wasn't long before their became widly recognized in the L.A. area.
Post Breakup
It was right when Desmodus Draculae was on the cusp of reaching true success that Roy became a father and the band became less and less active until eventually entering a hiatus that lead to their disbandment. Although it wasn't an easy decision to make Roy realized that he couldn't be a father and a rockstar without half assing one or the other, so ultimately he chose his son. Roy is a devoted father and one of the only humans in Desmond's life that he can call family. Because of this, Roy takes extra care to try and raise Desmond to appreciate his human qualities and often reminds him that humans are his equals and have value outside of giving blood, much to the chagrin of Amadeus and the other vampires in his circle. Starla has offered immortality to Roy on many occassions but he always turns her down, feeling that it is his responsiblity to continue to be Desmond's anchor to the human world.

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