The Director
Nickname: Bart (this is not canonical, no one calls him this but me)
Age: At least 80 but physically early 40s
Species: Director
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 6'2"
The Director is the one who manages the entire facility, he answers to no one (except for his mysterious shadow bosses, but don't worry about them). He never asked for this job and yet he is going to have to do it for all eternity, or until he is killed.
Once upon a time in the 70s the Director was a normal human man who hosted his own AM radio show out of his apartment. He was obsesed with making contact with the aliens that he claimed had been abducting him for years. He spent most of his days "collecting evidence" and most of his evenings rambling incessantly on the radio about extraterrestiral life and other conspiricies. His broadcasts became increasingly paranoid until one day he disappeared and no one has heard from him since.
As it turned out, everything he had been saying was true and not just the coke fuled ramblings of a conspiracy theorist, and the current Director of DDL at the time viewed him as a threat and had him arrested. Without any options he worked as an agent of DDL for only a brief amount of time before the Director died and a replacement was needed. No one knows what parameters the higher ups have for choosing new directors but he met them and he was promoted to director status. When he returned from his promotion ceremony he no longer remembered his name, his home, or who he was before the process. And yet, as far as directors go, he is only barely considered a passable example.