Grey is the Director's right hand man, if the Director is around you can be sure Grey is somewhere close by. The Director trusts Grey more than anyone else, and their bond is probably the closest thing the Director has ever experienced to friendship.
Double Cross 
The Director does not consider DC his son and wants to spend as little time around him as possible, there is nothing about DC that the Director doesn't despise. When DC pushes him too far the Director is prone to putting him in the freezer for a while just to get a break, but someone always ends up letting him back out.
Bonnie ![]()
Bonnie constantly undermines the Director's authority and does things her own way and she doesn't appear to be afraid of him at all. For some reason the Director seems to admire this.
Cole is not a good employee but the Director seems to have a hard time properly disciplining him and it seems that part of the Director's lenience with Cole comes from the fact that he is in such close proximity to Bonnie.